Fagron Academy Compounding Technical Support

Your partner in the lab, with a comprehensive approach to support modern day compounding.

No problem is too big or too small

Whether you have a new script you need to fill and need help with new formulation or you can’t get the cream to stop from foaming or are new to compounding all together. Our experienced team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are here to help.

Comprehensive formula database

Step-by-Step Formulation Guidance and assistance with Technical Questions​

Compounding Lab Design and Workflow Analysis​

USP <800>, <797> and <795> Compliance​

Pharmacy Business Consultation​

“There is no other organization in the industry that provides personalized service and abundance of resources at the quality level you deserve for the price you can afford.”
Rod Haselhorst
Rod Haselhorst, RPh
Vice President, Compounding Support Services
“Fagron Academy combines decades of compounding knowledge from our robust team to bring the resources and tools our customers need to help grow their business.”
Megan Stevenson
Meghan Stevenson, CPhT
Compounding Support Specialist
“Fagron Academy provides the Compounding Pharmacist and Technician the best opportunity to be proficient, patient supportive, and knowledge to support a successful compounding Pharmacy. All aspects of the Academy will meet the needs of their respective community.”
James Matthias
Jim Matthias, CPhT
Senior Compounding Support Specialist

Meet the Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians

Start learning today!

Request a free class to experience our best-in-class learning management tool or connect with one of our experienced pharmacists to help with your compounding questions.

Fagron Academy Compounding Technical Services​
Fagron Academy Continued Education
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